Service Policy and Terms and Conditions

TERMINOLOGY: Terms used on this Website and in the Rules (see the Login page):
1. Timeshare Owner: A person who has the authority and right to arrange stays for others in a Timeshare Interest they own.
2. Timeshare Interest: The Owned Right to stay at a timeshare resort operated by an Owner's Association (HOA) or a Timeshare Company.
3. Offers: Three types of posted advertisements (Ads) proposing to Swap, Rent, or Buy Timeshare Interests.
    a. Swap: An Ad where a Timeshare Owner proposes the use of his/her Timeshare Interest in return for a reciprocal use at another Company/Resort or Destination.
    b. For Rent: An Ad proposing to book a Timeshare Interest for another user as a Guest in return for a rental payment.
    c. To Buy: An Ad expressing interest in buying another User's Timeshare Interest at a Company/Resort or Destination.
4. Needs: Three types of posted Ads seeking opportunities to Swap, Rent, or Sell their Timeshare Interest.
    a. Swap: An Ad where a Timeshare Owner expresses her/his interest in the reciprocal use of another Owner's Timeshare Interest at a Company/Resort or Destination.
    b. A Rental: An Ad seeking a timeshare to rent at a Company/Resort or Destination.
    c. To Buy: An Ad expressing interest in purchasing a timeshare at a timeshare Company/Resort or Destination.
5. Listings: The Advertisements -- the Offers and Needs posted on this Website.
6. Connects: The process where Users are introduced to the User who posted a Listing.
7. Timeshare Exchange: This Website is NOT a timeshare exchange service. This service is not offered as a benefit in a timeshare sale, does not require annual fees, does not have Members, does not enforce equity between swaps, etc.

TERMS AND CONDITIONS: These are the terms and conditions to which you agree by registering on this Website and in being permitted by Applied Market Solutions LLC to use this website:
1. This Website may only be used by residents who are 18 years of age or older and from countries allowed by the Administrator. Applied Market Solutions LLC reserves the right to add or remove access by any geographic area or any User at any time
2. This Website operates under the principle of Freedom of Speech, which means you are free to say whatever you want as long as it is not deemed, in the sole opinion of the Administrator to result in physical, mental, or economic harm to another person. You are responsible for what you say in every instance. Political, vulgar, unlawful, threatening, abusive, harrassing, hateful, or offensive language is NOT permitted. If you do not adhere to this limitation, the Administrator, in its sole discretion and without prior notice, may block your use of this Website use and delete your account. The User is fully responsible for the consequences of any and all content they create on their account.
3.This Website may only be used for legal activities, and all rights and content will be immediately removed in the event any illegal activity is identified by the Administrator, who will then, in its sole discretion and without prior notice, delete or block the user's account and may report such activity to the respective authorities.
4. All transactions on this Website are conducted in U.S. currency
5. This Website functions only in the English language, unless translated independently by the User's Browser.
6. All policies of this Website are enforceable once the User has agreed to them (checked off on the associated confirmation statements).
7. Applied Market Solutions LLC is not responsible for the data entered into this Website, the use, or the failure of this site. In any event, its total and maximum liability due to any cause related to this Website's use is limited to the amount of the most recent charge made within the last 90 days rebated to the User's credit card, less the credit card processing fee(s).
8. Your messages are encrypted using a secret set of algorithms. Since we may not fully anticipate the extent to which someone might go or may not be aware of the extent of technology that might be deployed in efforts to reverse this encryption, we cannot 100% guarantee its security. However, we think the motivation to hack into this website is low and hence intruion unlikely.
9. As a User of this website, you retain your right to erase your content and the right to be forgotten as follows: You may deactivate your account at any time, and the account's content will be blocked from further use by contacting The Administrator will then erase from the current database (but not necessarily from prior database back-ups) the User's history except that the history of Payments and Acknowledgements are NOT deleted and may be retained indefinitely. This website reserves the right to send operational, as opposed to marketing, emails without regard to the User having opted-out. This is necessary to maintain the functionality of this website. If such an email does not apply to you, please ignore it.
10. The User is responsible for saving copies of all content entered that they wish to retain. This site is not responsible for the loss of any content, failure to deliver any message, or any other consequences of using this Website. APPLIED MARKET SOLUTIONS LLC SHALL NOT BE LIABLE FOR THE LOSS OR DESTRUCTION OF DATA OR MEDIA RESULTING FROM THE USE OR SERVICE OF THIS PRODUCT, WHETHER DUE TO VIRUS ISSUES OR OTHERWISE, OR ANY FAILURE TO SECURE ALL PROGRAMS AND DATA CONTAINED IN OR AFFECTED BY THE PRODUCT OR TO MAINTAIN THE CONFIDENTIALITY OF DATA STORED ON THE PRODUCTA. ll User Listings greater than 90-days old are normally deleted at the Administrator's sole discretion, which will occur automatically. This Website is only obligated to provide a platform for advertisements related to timeshares and to promote those advertisements on the internet. It does not commit to or promise any level of readership, distribution, or response.
11. This Website may not work on older browsers and may not work on all devices. This Website is designed to be used on a Laptop. The User is responsible for determining the fitness of this Website for their needs and equipment. This Website has minimized connections with third-party sites, with the primary third-party links being with the credit card processor and Google for Recaptcha.
12. To the best of our knowledge, this Website complies with the General Data Protection Regulation requirements from the European Union. This Website is also PCI compliant via its link to for credit card processing.
13. You will be charged transaction fees for creating Listings and for being Connected to Users of other Listings. These amounts do not include taxes. If this website's service charges become taxable, the User will be responsible for paying those taxes and will be charged an additional amount to cover any previously-uncharged taxes that are or have become due. Rates are subject to change at any time. As a user of this website, you are responsible for any and all fees charged by your resort or a resort to stay at, as well as any taxes applicable to renting, selling, buying, or swapping timeshare.
14. Applied Market Solutions LLC (AMS) reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to suspend the use of the Website at any time for any length of time. AMS reserves the right to discontinue this Website's service for any reason, including technical, functional, financial, performance, or any other reason.
15. The Website will send limited personal contact information to the Listing party when a User Connects (opts to be connected) to a Listing. Users, by Registering to use this Website, provide explicit permission(s) to Applied Market Solutions to share, by email, their personal contact information with Users interested in the contents of their Listing(s).
16. This website tracks the User's IP (Internet Protocol) address and stores it in the database, encrypted.
17. Users are responsible for consummating the transactions they propose and making all arrangements for the effectuation of the Offers they make, which other Users have accepted. Users are responsible for remaining current in the payment of their Annual Owner Association Maintenance fees and attest that their Timeshare Interest(s) are and will remain in good standing. AMS and the Administrator of this Website have no responsibility, role, or duty to effectuate any Offers or Needs proposed or accepted through Listings on this site.
18. Users are NOT permitted to include email addresses or phone numbers in the Title or Description of an Offer or Need. This restriction is to protect the User's identity and to preserve the intergity of this website's business model. Attempts to circumvent this rule, if discovered by the Administration, may subject the User to having their Listing deleted, without refund, and potentially their entire account.
19. Users are responsible for deciding whether any Swap, Rental, Purchase, or Sale of interest is suitable for their needs and thereby deemed a "fair" transaction. This Website has no role in determining the equity or fairness of any transaction.
20. Users agree that Applied Market Solutions LLC, its assigns, officers, and employees have NO RESPONSIBILITY for any fraudulent transactions, any User’s failure to deliver promised services or arrangements, or any financial losses resulting from failures of any Users to perform their obligations or keep promises they make within or in follow-up to Ads on this Website.
21. Fees are for the initial entry of the Offer or Need Listings into the Website and are NOT a subscription, meaning early cancellation will NOT result in any pro-rated rebate or refund. Any price reduction in fees will not be retroactive, and similarly, any price increase will not affect already-paid subscriptions.
22. Applied Market Solutions, its assigns and officers, make no promises regarding whether any Listing will or will not be successful for the User in achieving the User's intended purpose.
23. Users agree and acknowledge that this advertising medium does not provide the services of a traditional Timeshare Exchange company, such as enforcing equity of trades, holding timeshare resorts accountable for performance, serving as a Point of Sales benefit, managing banking, borrowing, and other Member benefits, charging annual Membership and Exchange fees, and other such services.
24. By registering on this Website, you agree to adhere to its Rules (See the Login page).

Contact information:
If users have any questions or suggestions regarding our Service policy, please contact the Administrator of this Website, Applied Market Solutions LLC or its designee, through this Email Address:
Web site url:
Copyright 2021 and All Rights Reserved - Applied Market Solutions, LLC.