Before Registering, you MUST read each policy below and CHECK each statement.

Click on each Heading to read our Policies then click AGREE button to Register

 Service Agreement (Click Here)
By checking this box, I confirm I have read, understand, acknowledge and accept the Applied Market Solutions LLC Service Agreement, and I agree to be bound by its terms and Conditions. I also agree to follow all the Rules that apply to the use this Website (see the Login page).

 Privacy Policy (Click Here)
By checking this box, I confirm that I have read, understand, acknowledge, and agree to Applied Market Solutions LLC's Privacy Policy.

 Marketing Agreement
By checking this box, I agree to allow Applied Market Solutions LLL to occasionally present specially-tailored vacation offers to me, acceptance of which will be strictly up to me. Applied Market Solutions LLC agrees to limit such vacation offers to ones offering, in our best judgments, good value and, if a tour is required, promise a non-pressurizing your process.

 Liability Waiver (Click Here)
By checking this box, I acknowledge and warrant that I have read, understand, accept the liability terms and assume all liability that might arise from my use of the site, and hold Applied Market Solutions, LLC, its assigns, and officers harmless from any consequential losses resulting from the use of this site by myself or the Company (if a company) or any failure to perform on the part of this software, Applied Market Solution, LLC, or any Timeshare Owner or other user of this website who fails to meet their commitment(s).

 Certification of Authority
By checking this box, I acknowledge, represent, and warrant that I am at least 18-years of age and have the authority to enter into agreements with Applied Market Solutions, LLC (AMS). By registering as a User on this Website, I agree to abide by its Terms and Conditions and follow its Rules. I also acknowledge that this Website provides an advertising listing service (like classified ads in newspapers) and does not perform the services of a Timeshare Exchange company, such as enforcing equity of trades, holding timeshare resorts accountable for performance, serving as a Point of Sales benefit, managing banking and borrowing of usgae rights, and other Member benefits of timeshare ownership, charging annual Membership fees, and other related services. I further understand and acknowledge AMS provides this Website as an advertising platform, and is not responsible for making any reservations or other actions for effectuating any OFFER for or NEED to SWAP, RENT, SELL, or BUY a Timeshare arranged through this Website. By registering, I agree to be responsible for making the necessary Guest Reservations, Payments, and arrangements for any User who I allow to access my Timeshare Interest and any use of my owner privileges, and ensuring that all Rules and Regulations of my Timeshare Resort and Owners Association are followed regarding the arranging of Swaps (i.e., Guest Stays), Rentals, Sales and Purchases of my timeshare.